Postdoctoral Fellowship Applicants
Applying for a Postdoctoral Fellowship through the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
The School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography supports postdoctoral and 'early career' fellowships from internal applicants and from applicants outside of Oxford.
If you are interested in making an application:
- The first step is to seek and approach a mentor or sponsor who is an academic member of the School. Please make sure you check the guidance for the scheme you are applying for to check who is eligible to act as your mentor.
- You should then apply to the school’s Expression of Interest stage for the call you are interested in (please see details below). Please contact our Research Support Team if you have any questions.
Proposals will be considered by a panel comprised of members of the School’s Research Committee. All applications will be assessed on academic merit, the viability of the proposed research project, the extent to which the work fits with existing interests of the research cluster, and the extent to which the research speaks to broader interests within SAME. For certain calls attracting a gathered field, applications will be ranked. The School will also consider its research priorities and resource or space implications when reaching a decision and it does not necessarily support all applications.
We will also accept applications to other schemes, subject to eligibility criteria and funding rules. If the fellowship you are interested is not included in the list below, there may be a different process for applications. Please contact the Research Support Team as early as possible so that they can advise of the relevant process.
Please see information on the external application stage below the following these current Expression of Interest calls for Postdoctoral Fellowships:
Current calls
What happens after the Expression of Interest stage?
We will aim to notify applicants of the outcome of the Expression of Interest stage within a few weeks, and will let you know if there will be a delay to this. For the majority of calls, we are unfortunately unable to offer panel feedback on Expressions of Interest, although the Research Support Team may advise more generally on how to strengthen future applications.
If you are unsuccessful at the SAME Expression of Interest stage, you may apply in future rounds for the scheme if still eligible.
If you are successful, the Research Support Team will advise on next steps and how to prepare an application for the external funding competition. Please click on the links below for information about applying to the following postdoctoral schemes:
All external funding applications require the support and approval of both the School and the University's Research Services Office (RSO). Therefore internal deadlines for completion of the application are usually at least two weeks earlier than the funder deadline. The Research Development Officer will assist in completing the financial information for your application.
We strongly recommend that you engage your mentor in the application process and consider carefully any feedback. You should visit the relevant section of the funding body's website and regularly check it for any changes to the scheme or the funding rules.
Other sources of funding information
The School circulates a weekly Bulletin by email that includes information on funding opportunities. Please contact Ella Tebay if you wish to be added to the circulation list.
The School’s Research Support Team and the Social Sciences Research Facilitators can provide expert advice on potential funding options. They also run regular briefings on aspects of research funding.
If you would like to discuss your research projects and potential funding options, please contact our Research Support Team in the first instance.
All funding applications, whether or not they involve a budget, must be approved by the School before submission (please contact the Research Support Team for details of the School review procedures).
Applications for research leave for Tutorial Fellows are also likely to require college consent. Please check with your college senior tutor.